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….learn to drive a powerboat safely and obtain your RYA PB2 Qualification

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Latest news

Team Racing at Dartmouth

10 of our keen dinghy racers took on Dittisham SC and RDYC this past Sunday in a fiercely contended team racing event. Making up 2 of the 6 teams competing in the prestigious River Dart Sailing Club 'team racing event', SGBA were looking to go one better this year after 2nd place at the previous event. Alas, despite several Individual 1st, 2nd & 3rd places throughout the 9 race event, Dittisham's More »

28 Jun 2024

Red Admiral Available for booking

Red Admiral, a Chester Yawl is designed for one or two rowers. She was built by Steve Goodchild and his band of enthusiastic helpers over winter 2019/20. For more details about the build see Red Admiral - a special addition to the SGBA fleet . After some modifications to the rowlocks and oars she is ready again for use by members. Red Admiral has 3 sets of oats: Short wood More »

27 May 2024

Water quality at Stoke Gabriel

As you probably know, Stoke Gabriel has now been designated a bathing site. The water is now tested weekly for Escherichia coli (E. coli) & Intestinal Enterococci. Appendix 3 of the Operations Manual, The Health & Safety Policy and Risk Assessments has been updated to include this along with advice and links for further information. Please check section 3.1 . More »

27 May 2024

SGBA AGM - 10th May 19.30

SGBA's AGM will be held on Friday 10th May @ 19.30 in the village hall. All members are welcome. The AGM provides the chance for SGBA members to have their say in the running of the club, elect new members to the Executive Committee and Trustees and for the commodore to present plans for the future. There will also be a social component to the evening with refreshments provided. More »

6 May 2024

Sunday Sailing & Boating is back!

Every* Sunday from April to October.... Join us for a sail or paddle, with safety boat cover provided! More »

10 Apr 2024

Foreshore Vehicle Access, April 2024

SGBA members have no vehicle access to the Stoke Gabriel foreshore, except for a one week period at the beginning of the annual sailing season and one at the end of the season to move their boats or equipment, as set out in our planning consent. We have notified Stoke Gabriel Parish Council (SGPC) of the date we have set for members' vehicle access for the beginning of the 2024 sailing season as: More »

1 Apr 2024

Upcoming events

Jul 27

08:00 - Junior Sailing Course B 2024 » Day 1

Jul 28

09:30 - Junior Sailing Course B 2024 » Day 2

Jul 28

14:00 - Mill Pool Challenge

An afternoon of water based fun
Jul 29

10:30 - Junior Sailing Course B 2024 » Day 3

Jul 30

11:30 - Junior Sailing Course B 2024 » Day 4

Jul 31

12:30 - Junior Sailing Course B 2024 » Day 5

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