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Book Boats

All club boats must be booked in advance of use via the website. Booking is free to all members[1]. You must only use the actual boat(s) you have booked. If your plans change please cancel your booking. There is no safety boat cover. If you'd prefer to be on the water with a safety boat, book a Sunday Sailing and Boating session. Ideally arrive ready-changed for boating however shower and changing facilities are available.

Check with the SEAL before heading out:

  1. Safe conditions. Wind and weather can change quickly, and tide will have a big impact on your boating. Check and understand both the weather forecast and tide conditions immediately before you set out and that they are within your ability to handle. If the conditions change be prepared to change your plans.
  2. Emergency contact. It is essential you carry an effective means to call for help; ideally a mobile phone in a waterproof case designed so you can operate it in the water. If you are out without a safety boat, boat with a buddy, have someone on shore keeping an eye or someone who knows your plans.
  3. Appropriate clothing. Best dress for a capsize. Our waters are cold, so you need a wet suit or dry suit. Sharp rocks and oyster shells mean strong soled footwear that grips in the wet is essential.
  4. Life jacket or buoyancy aid. Correctly sized and fitted properly, these are essential for your safety and survival in an emergency. It is a requirement that you provide your own for use on all SGBA craft and activities on the water.

Book boats

  1. Kayaks and Canoes
  2. SUPs - Standup paddle boards
  3. Rowing boats
  4. Dinghies: Junior beginners
  5. Dinghies: Improvers
  6. Dinghies: Experienced
  7. Dinghies: Families
  8. Motor boats

Kayaks and Canoes

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Choose a sit on top (SOT) kayak if you are a less experienced paddler. Plan your trip with respect to the tide and wind; you want to avoid paddling into a strong tide and wind when you are heading home and tired. Always wear a buoyancy aid.

All paddled craft are stored in the Quarry Area, through the double doors to the rear of the clubhouse. Paddles are stored in the paddle racks, clubhouse ground floor.

SUPs - Standup paddle boards

Check the wind and tide before you head out; it is very hard to make headway against a strong wind on a paddleboard. Always wear a buoyancy aid.

SUPs are stored in the Quarry Area, through the double doors to the rear of the clubhouse. Paddles are stored in the paddle racks, clubhouse ground floor.

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Family SUPs

Family SUPs are capable of fitting a whole family on a single board. They are stored on the rack behind the club house. Please note that they might need pumping up and that there is an electric SUP pump on the low shelf to the right of the double doors as you enter from the area in front of the clubhouse.

Rowing Boats

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There are two rowing boats available to members, a Whitehall Skiff and Red Admiral. The Whitehall Skiff is great for taking a partner or a couple of children out on the river. Oars are stored in the boat, ready for use. There are two rowing positions to help you trim the boat, if you have passengers aboard. Red Admiral is a Chester Yawl designed for one or two rowers. For more details see Red Admiral Available for booking. All crew must wear buoyancy aids.

Dinghies: Junior beginners

Teras are ideal dinghies for learning to sail. Rigging instructions are available here.

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Toppers are ideal for mastering solo sailing; Topper rigging guide.

Dinghies: Improvers

Picos can also be sailed single handed as well as doubling up with two junior sailors or a junior sailor and an adult. Pico rigging guide

Dinghies: Experienced

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The Fevas, Lasers, Quests and the Topper Topaz are all performance boats that require a little more experience and should not be taken out by members outside of Sunday Sailing and Boating until you are confident that you can self-rescue and right a capsized boat. Remember to only sail in wind-strength, tide-strength and water temperature that are within your capabilities.

Laser rigging guide. Quest rigging guide, Quest reefing guide.

Dinghies: Families

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The club has two family boats:

Both boats include an auxiliary electric outboard to allow for longer trips on the river with the confidence you will be able to get home even if the wind drops. Ensure you familiarise yourself with detailed outboard instructions and the Scillabub or Dibber guides before booking.

You can then book the boats:

Motor Boats

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The boats can be booked by members who have passed their SGBA motor boat induction course. The cost is £25 for half a day, £40 for a full day. All crew must wear buoyancy aids and maximum capacity including helm is 5 adults.

The following club boat is not available for members use as it is used as support for club activities

  • Carnival: The orange safety boat in front of the clubhouse

[1] Boat booking is available to all members provided you are not one of the minority of members who retained their opt out from boat use when [2024] we combined the boat use fee with the membership subscription.

Last updated 08:20 on 30 September 2024

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