Duty Roster
Click to view the duty roster for a list of volunteer slots that need filling. These include Officer of the Day (OOD), Safety Boat Helm and Safety Boat Crew for various club events.
Upcoming boat maintenance job. Please contact R.Lovejoy, Bosun on 07523544986 or river.lovejoy18@gmail.com if you can help.
As of Autumn 24:
All materials and PPE provided, or your purchases reimbursed with a receipt.
Repair one of the family sups. Inflate, spray with soapy water to find leaks. Dry, clean, patch.
All the dinghy park needs the berth labels renewing. Simple job, take about 3 hours. (A member has volunteered to do this. Thank you!)
Repair the gunwales on the Whitehall skiff. The they are cracked around the central rowlock area and need cutting out and replacing. There is a need to reinforce the inwales to stop flexing and further cracking. Then revarnished. Hull needs a good clean. Cover needs new shock cord.
Dibber's bowsprit needs revarnishing. Quite a small job. Hot air gun, scraper, sandpaper and varnish, thinner and brushes provided. PPE as well.
Dibber's rudder blade has been gouged by the outboard motor propeller. It needs cleaning, filling, repainting and an aluminium plate attaching to prevent it happening again.
It would be nice to put an outboard well in Dibber's transom. All newer boats have one. This would make handling the battery easier. This would involve making a plywood mockup of the transom first to test ideas. All materials provided.
Rhubarb and Custard, the yellow Topaz dinghy and the blue and white Laser have leaks . These can be found by gently pressuring with an SUP pump and then spraying with soapy water.
They will need to be turned over first, so it's best if you have a friend to help. When the leaks are found we can think about what happens next.
All covers need pressure washing.
Last updated 13:36 on 9 December 2024