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Sailing Dinghies

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    SGBA sailing dinghies

    The SGBA sailing fleet comprises: 3 RS Quests, 3 RS Fevas, 5 Lasers, 6 Laser Pico's, 4 Toppers, 12 RS Teras, a Drascombe Lugger and a Devon Yawl. Dinghies are stored in the dinghy park near the Clubhouse with the Lugger and Yawl on mud moorings in the Creek.

    Club boats are available for use at any time by members, however boats must always be booked via the SGBA website before use, and you must only use the boat(s) you have booked. Click the link for the current fleet of sailing dinghies.

    Remember you must always wear a bouyancy aid or lifejacket when using an SGBA boat and use it within your competency for the prevailing tidal and weather conditions.

    You are responsible for everyone in the boat and you must report any damage or missing equipment to the Quartermaster (Sail).

    Our Rigging Guides provide advice and information to help you get afloat.

    see also: Conditions for using SGBA craft

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    Drascombe Lugger 'Scillabub'

    In 2018, the club was very generously donated a Drascombe Lugger called Scillabub. Various members including Steve Goodchild, Stanley Brown and Roger Stobbart worked very hard restoring her to make her ready for use by club members. Scillabub includes an electric outboard, see electric motor instructions.

    Induction: An induction is no longer required. Please read read the Scillabub guide and the detailed outboard instructions before using Scillabub. If in doubt ask at a Sunday Sailing and boating event.

    Booking: Use of Scillabub is included in your membership, as with other boats you need to book in advance.

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    Devon Yawl 'Dibber'

    Dibber is a Devon Yawl. She is a safe and dependable day-sailer with a good turn of speed and ability to point close to the wind. Dibber has a heavy lead retractable centre plate which ensures she is stable in most conditions you will meet in the river. Dibber includes an electric outboard, see electric motor instructions.

    Induction: An induction is no longer required. Please read read the Dibber guide and the detailed outboard instructions before using Dibber. If in doubt ask at a Sunday Sailing and boating event.

    Booking: Use of Dibber is included in yourmembership, as with other boats you need to book in advance.

  • Sailing

    Throughout the spring, summer and early autumn we have an extensive sailing programme - see the calendar for details.

    Sailing your own boat

    Many SGBA members have their own boats and SGBA members may store their boats on the foreshore for a small annual fee (£55). Contact the boat park officer for availability of spaces.

  • Tips

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