RYA First Aid Course
Delivered by Tracey Cunningham a local senior NHS Nurse, responsible for local hospitals and minor injury units, and also a very experienced .
Places are currently limited to 8 due to Covid Restrictions.
Restrictions are subject to change which may affect numbers or even the ability to hold the event. Please bring your own refreshments, including lunch and water. You may be able to refill water bottles in the Village Hall. Also candidates need to bring paper, pens and not attend if they have any signs of a cold. In the event you have a positive COVID test (LFT or PCR) then your fee will be refunded.
Details of the course content are on the RYA web site at https://www.rya.org.uk/courses-training/courses/specialist/Pages/first-aid.aspx
Last updated 6:51am on 18 March 2025