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Home / Events / Foreshore BBQ

Foreshore BBQ

19th July, 12:00 - 15:00

Family-friendly social trip for members.

This is a bring your own BBQ.

This trip will depart Mill Point at 18.30 and head to a pre designated area for your BBQs on the foreshore. Please arrive at Mill Point from 18.00 for a prompt departure. Any means of floating transportation that can be beached on the foreshore is welcome. Before signing up, please ensure that you are confident in your ability to complete the trip.

This is an informal social trip, run by and for club members. Attendees are welcome to use either their own boats or book SGBA boats for the purpose, and should arrive at Mill Point ready to go on the water by the given departure time. The trip coordinator will be on hand to answer any questions, provide advice, and guide the group.

Please register your attendance by joining by joinuing the Social Paddles WhatsApp group - this helps us gauge numbers prior to departure, and contact you if we need to alter/cancel due to adverse weather conditions. We will use the Social Paddles temporary WhatsApp group for up-to-date comms about this trip. Contact the trip co-ordinator, Graham Moore via 07941833618 to be added.

As this is an informal trip, there will be no allocated safety-boat cover. Attendees should be prepared to take personal responsibility, ensure that they are boating within their comfortable ability, do not require assistance or instruction and must follow the SEAL guidelines:

  • S. Safe conditions
  • E. Emergency contact
  • A. Appropriate clothing
  • L. Life jacket/buoyancy aid

Use of personal floatation devices (PFDs), such as a buoyancy aid or lifejacket, is mandatory during these trips.

High Water (HW) will be at: 1319
Coordinators: Graham Moore, Chris Moore
For more info, contact the trip's coordinator via WhatsApp: Graham Moore, 07941833618


  • What should I bring? A buoyancy aid, appropriate clothing for the weather, sensible shoes. You may also wish to bring a torch or head-torch, as trips tend to end around sunset.
  • Can children attend? Yes, if you are a confident enough paddler to take care of them whilst on the water. There is no safety-boat cover, so please exercise personal responsibility.
  • There aren't any more slots to book in on this trip - can I still attend? We put a limited amount of booking slots on these trips so we can ensure that our trip coordinators can keep an eye on attending members. The more coordinators and experienced paddlers in the group, the higher the number of attendees we can reasonably have. For this reason, if the group appears full but you would still like to attend, we recommend you contact the trip coordinator first on the number given above.
  • What kind of boat can I use? Kayaks are recommended; you could also use a rowing boat. SUPs are also a possibility, but please ensure that you are confident and experienced enough to travel medium-to-long distances. If using a club boat, you must book it first via the website.
  • How can I get more involved? If you are an experienced paddler, we are always looking for more volunteers to help run these kinds of trips. Speak to the trip coordinator or contact Graham Moore on WhatsApp via +447941833618 for more information.

Last updated 1:12pm on 14 March 2025

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