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Home / Events / Winter Talks: Team GB Racing, with Nick Hutton
Home / Events / Winter Talks: Team GB Racing, with Nick Hutton

Winter Talks: Team GB Racing, with Nick Hutton

9th February, 19:00 - 21:00

We're excited to host two-time America's Cup winner Nick Hutton. Nick's sailing career has taken him all the way from the Dart to Dubai, where he is competing as part of the Emirates GBR sailing team in the next round of the thrilling Sail GP series (foiling catamarans). He will be regaling us with stories of sailing at the limit alongside the likes of Ben Ainslie, Jimmy Spithill, and the rest. Should be a high octane evening. (If you haven't seen Sail GP, do have a look at the videos from previous rounds on YouTube!)

Don't forget to log in and book on to the event here (for free!).

Last updated 9:16pm on 16 September 2024

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