Home / Events / Zoom talk: South West Water; The Green Recovery Plan: River Dart Inland Bathing Water Pilot
Zoom talk: South West Water; The Green Recovery Plan: River Dart Inland Bathing Water Pilot
18th January 2022, 19:30 - 21:30
An online virtual meeting on Zoom no booking required.
History and Possible Future of Water Quality in the Dart Estuary
- The catchment Stoke Gabriel and the wider Dart catchment / watershed
- Explanation of the main sewerage assets in Stoke Gabriel and a summary of the last 20 years investment
- Historic water quality data, impacts from storm overflows / Sewage Treatment Works / Pumping Stations and the implications of the new Environment (Inland Waters) Bill
- What does having designated bathing water classification mean?
- The process of designation this is the stakeholder engagement element to understand usage etc.
- Current plans for the pilot, timescales, what's involved and what it might lead to.
Join the meeting on Zoom:
- Meeting ID: 292 718 9839
- Passcode: 150421
Last updated 11:10pm on 13 March 2025