Rowing Boats & Tenders

SGBA has two rowing skiffs. They are available for use by members.
Red Admiral, a Chester Yawl designed for two rowers is our newest addition to the fleet. She was built by Steve Goodchild and his band of enthusiastic helpers over winter 2019/20. For more details about the build see Red Admiral - a special addition to the SGBA fleet.
The Whitehall Skiff (pictured above left) is designed for a single rower.
Tenders: To access other club boats on mooring buoys, please use the small rowing boat normally located by the Tera/Topper rack.
Remember you must always wear a bouyancy aid or lifejacket when using an SGBA club boat.
Please remember to book your boat via the website before use.
Last updated 21:43 on 27 May 2024