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Home / News / Red Admiral Available for booking
Home / News / Red Admiral Available for booking

Red Admiral Available for booking

1431157 orig
Published 22:52 on 27 May 2024

Red Admiral, a Chester Yawl is designed for one or two rowers. She was built by Steve Goodchild and his band of enthusiastic helpers over winter 2019/20. For more details about the build see Red Admiral - a special addition to the SGBA fleet. After some modifications to the rowlocks and oars she is ready again for use by members.

Red Admiral has 3 sets of oats:

  1. Short wood ones, no hand overlap. Easiest to use.
  2. Grey with white blades "sculling" oars where your hands overlap
  3. Sweep oars, labelled "sweep" so two people can row.

She is located indoors. Please return her indoors.

There is no bung so sponge her out after use.

She can be booked here

The photos below show the different rowing options

1431159 1224x 1431151 1224x 1431153 1224x 1431155 1224x

Last updated 22:52 on 27 May 2024

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