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Home / News / Commodore's Blog - February 2022

Commodore's Blog - February 2022

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Published 20:28 on 20 Feb 2022

Hello All,

Welcome to my latest monthly blog.

I hope this update will give you some insight into what is happening 'behind the scenes' at SGBA, supplementing what you see in our regular Newsletter produced by Graham.

Do contact me if you have any feedback or would like to discuss any content in more detail.

Enjoy your boating with SGBA!

Chris Moore, Commodore SGBA.

Despite it being winter, your SGBA Executive Committee have been busy preparing for the coming 'season'.

Finance & Membership

The club continues to go from strength to strength, both financially (under the stewardship of our Trustees) and in terms of membership growth. Our net member base grew by 16.5% in 2021/22, on top of 36% for the previous year - all despite of, or perhaps because of, COVID - with more people spending time on our beautiful river or working from home in the area.

Renewal Time! Please remember that membership renewals are due by 1st March. Steve Greenham (our new membership administrator) has hopefully made the process slick and easy for you this year. IMPORTANT - If you have a dinghy park space, an outboard space, or locker please renew before 1st March. Non-renewal by that date will result in your space being reallocated to other members on our waiting lists.


We are pleased to be planning to run a full programme of RYA courses this year, including Junior Sailing, PB2, first aid and personal sailing tuition - the latter via 1:1 paid coaching or via our Dinghy Instructors at Sunday Sailing & Boating sessions. Contact Will Howitt for more information.

We are also establishing a new Junior Racing Squad, coached by Mark Flint. Contact him for more details.

Inductions for new members (or older members wanting a refresher!) will also be offered at regular intervals, covering SGBA facilities and also covering local knowledge and safety information. Look out for more details in the next Newsletter.

Fleet/Club Boats

Fox Safety Boats: Maintenance and overhaul work is taking place over the winter, including repositioning fuel tanks, replacing damaged fittings and servicing the outboard engines. As fuel costs and usage increases, it has been necessary to increase the booking charges for the safety boats for 2022; however we think the sessions still represent excellent value for money!

Devon Yawl: Work to get this new addition to our fleet is progressing well. A perfect day-sailing boat for use on the river, she will be moored on one of our moorings off of the foreshore and will be equipped with an electric outboard - just like Scillabub (our Drascombe Lugger).

Additional Kayaks/SUP's: Reflecting their popularity on our booking system and membership growth we are expanding the kayak fleet with the purchase of two additional Perception Triumph 13 kayaks and also a new double sit-on-top kayak. Our 'Super-SUP's' (the 8-Man paddle boards showcased at our autumn barbecue) will be available to book and also will be fun to use at Sunday Sailing and Boating sessions.

Foreshore Member Vehicle Access:

As you will be aware, there is generally no access to the foreshore by vehicle for members - apart from one week at the beginning and end of the season.

We have agreed the date with the Parish Council for the beginning of the 2022 season as Sunday 13th - Saturday 19th March inclusive. More information will be available via the SGBA Newsletter and by email to members with a foreshore dinghy park space.

Exec Committee Vacancies

We are looking for a new Sailing Secretary and also a Social Secretary. If you think this could be you, please get in contact.


A reminder that apart from our RYA paid instructors, SGBA relies on volunteers to run the club and make things happen -This keeps our membership fees at the low level you continue to enjoy. However, we need more members to get involved and make things happen. This can range from being an OOD at Sunday Sailing & Boating, providing Safety Boat cover, participating in our Working Parties, helping with our sailing courses, or joining the Exec Team.

It is noticeable that a core group of members do most of the graft. If this isn't yet you, please help out this year if you can - and spread the workload. Thank you.

Chris Moore

Commodore, Stoke Gabriel Boating Association

Telephone: 0794 100 5593


Last updated 21:41 on 27 May 2024

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