Commodore's Blog - March 2022

Published 21:44 on 22 Mar 2022
Hello All,
Welcome to my latest monthly blog.
Firstly, may I take this opportunity to thank you for renewing your membership for the coming year.
Your SGBA team has been making great progress with preparations for the upcoming season, and we are nearly ready to go!
Thursday 24th March sees our first 'New And Not So New' Members' Evening at the Village Hall, supported by Stoke Gabriel's own sea shanty singers - All Hands On Deck. It promises to be a fun and informative evening allowing you to find out more about the club, using our boats, the river and wildlife in the area - and having a good singalong to boot.
Over the weekend of 26th and 27th March SGBA is once again organising the annual Parish Litter Pick to ensure our village roadways, paths, foreshore and woodlands look pristine. Look out for posters and collect your litter picking kit from Stoke Gabriel Stores.
April 3rd is the first Sunday Sailing & Boating session of the season. As usual for this and future sessions we need volunteers for Officer of the Day, Safety Boat Helm and Safety Boat Crew. Sign up via the website. Without your support, these sessions can't go ahead - and we hope that all members will do their bit to volunteer this year.
We are pleased to be running a full programme of RYA courses this year. Keep an eye on the website calendar and the newsletter for details. We start with our first Dinghy Instructor course of the year and PB2 courses start on 29th March.
Fleet/Club Boats
Devon Yawl: Available soon - A perfect day-sailing boat for use on the river, moored on one of our moorings off of the foreshore and equipped with an electric outboard - just like Scillabub (our Drascombe Lugger).
Additional Kayaks/SUP's: Two additional Perception Triumph 13 single kayaks and also a new Feelfree Gemini Sport double sit-on-top kayak have joined the club fleet and will shortly be available for booking, along with our two 'Super-SUP's' (the 6-Man paddle boards showcased at our autumn barbecue).
Booking of Club Safety Boats: Due to increased fuel costs, the charges for use of 'Blue Hills' and 'Michael B' have been increased to £12.50 for a half day and £25 for a full day session. Usual T&C's apply to booking and use - see the website for details.
This will now take place at the clubhouse on Friday 6th May, starting at 1730. More details will follow via newsletter.
Can You Help?
A reminder that apart from our RYA paid instructors, SGBA relies on volunteers to run the club and make things happen - This keeps our membership fees at the low level you continue to enjoy. However, we need more members to get involved and make things happen. This can range from being an OOD at Sunday Sailing & Boating, providing Safety Boat cover, participating in our Working Parties, helping with our sailing courses, or joining the Exec Team.
We are looking for a new Sailing Secretary and also a Social Secretary. If you think this could be you, please get in contact.
It is noticeable that a core group of members do most of the graft. If this isn't yet you, please help out this year if you can - and spread the workload. Thank you.
Chris Moore
Commodore, Stoke Gabriel Boating Association
Telephone: 0794 100 5593
Last updated 21:41 on 27 May 2024