Highlights of SGBA AGM held on Friday 6th May

Published 01:00 on 8 May 2022
The SGBA AGM was held at the clubhouse on Friday 6th May with 34 members present. Highlights were (note the links only work if you are logged in):
- No change in membership fees for 2023. A Youth Membership category will be introduced from 2023.
- Appointment of William Lewis as the new vice-commodore. William will become the Commodore in 2023 when Chris Moore steps down as Commodore to become vice-commodore for the final year of his four-year term as a Flag Officer.
- Appointment of 'Godfrey Wilson Accountants Ltd' to be the Independent Examiners for the SGBA's 2022 accounts and to provide periodic management accounts throughout the year.
- John Bradbury as Chair of the Trustees extended heartfelt thanks, echoed by those in attendance, to both Neil Millward and Brian Deacon.
- Neil is stepping down from the Trustees after many years of service to the SGBA including as Commodore 2007 - 11 and Chair of Trustees, 2017 - 2019. Neil was instrumental in so many ways in the development of the SGBA as the club we all know it today, from obtaining ownership of the Mill Point quarry, to the building of "Neil's Steps" in 2010, and not least ensuring the continuation of the pallet run at the Millpool challenge - to name just a few. Neil has always been a man who gets stuff done - much to the SGBA's benefit.
- Brian completes his four year stint as vice-commodore (1 year) - Commodore (2 years) - vice-commodore (1 year), which also saw much achieved for the club, not least the resolution of the 'foreshore access' issue, building good relations with the DHNA, and progress towards better pontoon provision at Mill Point.
- Roger Phillips, SGBA Treasurer, reported that the club is expected to generate a healthy surplus this year. He noted that expenses are rising although income appears to be currently keeping pace.
- Thanks were extended to all the Trustees and Executive Committee members who volunteer so much of the their time to ensure the smooth running of the SGBA. Particular thanks were extended to River Lovejoy who works tirelessly behind the scenes to maintain the boats and the foreshore.
- Debbie Roberts was elected as new Trustee, and Brian Deacon and Charlie Gillmore were re-elected.
- Steve Greenham was formally elected to the Executive Committee. Steve had been a co-opted member of the Executive Committee for 2021 - 22 and has worked diligently as membership administrator ensuring the membership renewal process was efficiently completed as well as ensuring new members can easily join the club.
- Other members elected to the Executive Committee are Mark Flint, Riley Sentance, Sam Simmons and Adam Smith.
- Julian Williams, Secretary to the Trustees, acted efficiently as MC and completed the meeting in under an hour.
- A chance to socialise around a BBQ followed the meeting.
The full minutes can be read here
The list of Executive Committee members can be view here (you need to be logged in) and the Trustees here.
Last updated 21:41 on 27 May 2024