Bookings open for selected club boats

Published 08:27 on 31 Mar 2021
We are pleased to announce that in line with the easing of some Covid-19 restrictions, members who have paid their £40 club boat use fee can once again use most SGBA club boats on the river:
- Sailing dinghies during monitored sessions from Saturday 4th April
- Sailing dinghies, kayaks, canoes and SUP's now available outside of monitored sailing times.
Boats MUST be Pre-Booked
Only selected sailing dinghies, kayaks and paddle boards will be available for use - and these must be pre-booked for each use via the website. This is to limit the numbers of participants using club facilities at any one time from a social distancing perspective. It also gives us a record of boat use to trace and reduce any further risks.
You will need to login to the SGBA website to make bookings. Please make sure you can login as soon as possible so you do not find you have problems immediately before you want to book a boat. We have a description of common login problems and solutions here.
Monitored Sailing Sessions
Monitored sailing sessions can be viewed on the calendar.
The Monitor will show you where to find your dinghy and associated foils/rigs.
Booking kayaks, SUPs and dinghies outside of monitored sessions.
The use of club kayaks, SUPs and dinghies will be available at any other time (when no Monitored Sailing Session is taking place) but again use of these craft must be pre-booked via the SGBA website choosing one of the available slots.
Book here.
Additional Guidelines for Use of SGBA Boats During Covid-19
It is important to note that use of SGBA club boats is subject to the following additional Covid-19 guidelines. By booking a boat, you are agreeing to these guidelines and will need to accept them when booking:
- You MUST NOT come to Mill Point if you have ANY SYMPTOMS of Covid-19, or if you or any of your household are self-isolating.
- You must only use the boat you have booked.
- If sailing, please make yourself known to the Monitor on arrival at Mill Point, when ready to sail, on return from the water and when leaving Mill Point.
- There is NO ACCESS TO CHANGING OR SHOWER FACILITIES at Mill Point, please come ready-changed for boating.
- Social distancing applies at all times - keep at least 2m apart!
- Boats should be used either single handed or with members of your immediate household only as appropriate.
- Follow the important cleaning/hygiene advice displayed on posters onsite.
- Before going afloat, check weather conditions and tides.
- Use the river within your capabilities - you should not go afloat in conditions that will exceed your personal strengths and abilities.
- During Monitored Sailing Sessions, you agree to follow any instructions from the Monitor.
- You must always wear a buoyancy aid or personal flotation device whilst using an SGBA boat.
- Children under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
- Anyone developing COVID19 symptoms within 5 days of using a club boat or other facilities at Mill Point must inform the Commodore or Vice Commodore so that special cleaning measures can be undertaken.
- Lastly, members going afloat will do so at their own risk. In the absence of any negligence or other breach of duty by us, the use of SGBA facilities and craft is entirely at your risk.
We are really pleased to be able to offer access to club boats again. We hope you will appreciate that the use of shared facilities and equipment has required a thorough evaluation of the risks and implementation of measures to ensure your safety by reducing infection risk and to minimise the chance of any incident requiring support from the emergency services.
Enjoy your boating. If you have any questions or queries, please do get in contact.
Last updated 21:41 on 27 May 2024