Revision of SGBA Governance

Published 13:33 on 10 Mar 2021
The term 'Governance' generally refers to structures and processes that are designed to ensure accountability, transparency, responsiveness, rule of law, stability, equity and inclusiveness, empowerment, and broad-based participation. In the SGBA the responsibility for Governance lies with the Trustees but has largely been delegated to the Executive Committee.
There are two key documents in the SGBA's Governance library:
a. The RULES. These generally address certain administrative aspects of how the SGBA should be run: membership, subscriptions and fees; the Flag Officers, Officers and Committee; and financial administration.
b. The BYELAWS. These address how SGBA members should conduct themselves so as to maximise safety and enjoyment of all members, and of other users of the Dart, and to protect SGBA's and members' assets and property.
A working group has recently conducted a review of Governance. In consequence both documents have been revised. The Trustees and the Executive Committee have subsequently approved the new versions of both documents, which are attached here. It would be for the good of all if our Members would, in particular, familiarise themselves with the new BYELAWS.
Copies of both documents - the Rules and Byelaws - will be found on the 'Key Documents' page of the website.
As members will know, other key documents are the club's POLICIES. These are few in number, but are necessarily increasing as the SGBA grows bigger and the number and complexity of the requirements placed on us grows too. These policies will also be found on the 'Key Documents' page:
Three other Policies are 'works in progress':
- Safeguarding Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Data Privacy Policy
They will be added to the website very soon. Members will be advised by Newsletter once the policies are posted.
All these documents might seem excessive for a recreational club like the SGBA. But the truth is they are necessary to ensure that the SGBA is run in the best interests of all its 800+ members their safety, their property (including, of course, their boats) and the club's property, how each member will be respected by the Trustees, Executive Committee and by other members, and how the SGBA's local reputation will be safeguarded. If we all abide by them, life in the SGBA will continue to be harmonious and enjoyable.
Thank you!
Last updated 21:41 on 27 May 2024